Paul Vaillant

Create a PDF from Images with PowerShell

Tags: PowerShell | Pester | Office

I don’t know how your organization is but my experience is that all organizations have processes and invariably one, or more, of those processes can be byzantine. I experienced this first hand recently when I was asked to provide PDF versions of expense receipts.

My Workflow

So what I’ve been doing is taking a picture of receipts using my Windows Phone, which is set to upload a copy of my pictures to my OneDrive and then I was sending those pictures in. This was very easy and very convenient for me since I travel with my phone. I didn’t need to wait to get back into the office and I didn’t need yet another device in my bag or need to stop and setup something connected to my laptop. How to provide PDFs without completely doing away with my convinience?

NOTE: for my purposes these are receipts, but the same could apply for anything that you’re taking a picture of but want to convert into Word or PDF format, possibly with additional content.


This is the Apollo 13 moment where they put one of everything that they have in the capsule on the table in front of the engineers and ask them to come up with a way to put a square filter in a round hole.

I have Office, and Word can insert images into a document and save it as a PDF, so now I just have to automate the process.

So first thing is that I want some flexibility in how I call this, specifically so I can use ls and where to select the files I want, so I need to be able to accept images from the pipeline. Sometimes I also want to create a single document instead of more than one, and sometimes I want to remove the images once they have been converted, so I have a parameters for those options.


Next I do the initial setup of creating a new instance of Word. I also setup some variables for use in the combined file case.

	$word = New-Object -ComObject Word.Application

	$doc = $null
	$first = $true
	if($CombinedFilename) {
		Write-Verbose "Creating combined document"
		$doc = $word.Documents.Add()

Creating Documents and Saving Them

Now we need to actually create the documents. For each images, we create a new document as needed, use AddPicture to add it to the current document and either save/close the document (if they are separate documents) or insert a new page for combined documents.

	foreach($img in $Images) {
		if(!$doc) {
			$doc = $word.Documents.Add()

		#6 is [Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.wdunits]::wdstory
		$word.Selection.EndKey(6) | Out-Null
		$word.Selection.InlineShapes.AddPicture($img) | Out-Null
		if($CombinedFilename) {
			if($first) {
				$first = $false
			} else {

		if(!$CombinedFilename) {
			$pdf = $img.Substring(0, $img.LastIndexOf('.')) + ".pdf"
			#17 is []::wdFormatPDF
			$doc.SaveAs([ref]$pdf, [ref]17)
			#0 is []::wdDoNotSaveChanges
			$doc = $null

One thing to note; I’m using the numeric value for WdSaveFormat and WdSaveOptions for testability. Specifically, I want to be able to test my scripts without having Word installed or the COM interop classes loaded.

Wrapping It Up

With all the hard work done, now it’s just about saving the combined file, if that’s what we’re creating, and quitting Word.

	if($CombinedFilename) {
		$doc.SaveAs([ref]$CombinedFilename, [ref]17)
		#0 is []::wdDoNotSaveChanges

	#0 is []::wdDoNotSaveChanges
	$word = $null

Let’s Not Forget Testing

I’ve talked about testing before so let’s not forget this important part. The testing in this case is a little different than the last time. This time we need to create Mocks. No problem, Pester supports mocking.

The first step is to setup functions to mimic the Word APIs we’re going to call. One stub function for each thing we’re going to test happened.

function QuitWord { param($opts) }
function AddDocument { }
function AddPicture { param($path) }
function InsertNewPage { }
function SaveDocument { param($path, $opts) }
function CloseDocument { param($opts) }

Next is some helper functions to make the mock statements cleaner. Note that some of the Word methods use reference parameters so in PowerShell we use [ref] but that results in a PSReference type object. Pester would have a hard time matching those with the ParameterFilter so before the call to the stub function, I unwrap the value from the PSReference object.

function NewDocument {
  $doc = New-Object psobject
  $doc | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name "SaveAs" -Value {
    SaveDocument $path.Value $opts.Value
  $doc | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name "Close" -Value {
    CloseDocument $opts.Value
  return $doc

function NewWordApp {
  $docs = New-Object psobject
  $docs | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name "Add" -Value { AddDocument }

  $shapes = new-object psobject
  $shapes | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name "AddPicture" -Value {
    AddPicture $path

  $sel = New-Object psobject @{InlineShapes = $shapes}
  $sel | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name "EndKey" -Value {
    # ... no-op
  $sel | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name "InsertNewPage" -Value {

  $word = New-Object psobject @{Visible = $false; Documents = $docs; Selection = $sel}
  $word | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name "Quit" -Value {
    QuitWord $opts.Value

  return $word

Finally the actual tests. You can see one mock statement for each of our stub functions.

Describe "Convert-JpgToPdf.ps1" {
  Mock New-Object { NewWordApp } -Verifiable -ParameterFilter { $ComObject -eq 'Word.Application' }

  Mock QuitWord { param($opts) }
  Mock AddDocument { NewDocument }
  Mock AddPicture { param($path) }
  Mock InsertNewPage { }
  Mock SaveDocument { param($path, $opts) }
  Mock CloseDocument { param($opts) }

  Context "Images on the command line as separate documents" {
    $images = @("fake-image1.jpg", "fake-image2.jpg")
    & $cmd -Images $images

    It "creates a word instance" {

    It "creates 2 documents each with 1 image" {
      Assert-MockCalled AddDocument -Exactly -Times 2
      foreach($img in $images) {
        Assert-MockCalled AddPicture -ParameterFilter { $path -eq $img }
      Assert-MockCalled InsertNewPage -Exactly -Times 0
      Assert-MockCalled SaveDocument -Exactly -Times 2
      foreach($img in $images) {
        $pdf = $img -replace '\.jpg$','.pdf'
        Assert-MockCalled SaveDocument -ParameterFilter { $path -eq $pdf -and $opts -eq 17 }
      Assert-MockCalled CloseDocument -Exactly -Times 2 -ParameterFilter { $opts -eq 0 }

    It "closes word nicely" {
      Assert-MockCalled QuitWord -Exactly -Times 1 -ParameterFilter { $opts -eq 0 }

There’s also a context for images on the command line as a combined document and the same (separate and combined document) contexts for images from the pipeline. See Convert-JpgToPdf.Tests.ps1 for all the tests.

Mocks, mocks, mocks, baked beans and mocks

There are other ways to achieve similar results. When I first wrote these tests I didn’t have the 6 stub functions. Instead I added the fake $doc to a script: scoped array each time I created it and in the It, I looped over it to make sure they were as expected. Sadly that didn’t work. I had a number of Write-Verbose statements, and I could see that they were being created and added but the array was empty when I checked it after.

A change in Pester 3.0 turned out the be the cause. From What’s New in Pester 3.0

“Tests.ps1 scripts are now executed in a separate scope than Pester’s internal code, preventing some types of bugs that would occur when a test script happened to define a function or variable name that matched something Pester uses internally (or mock calls to a function that Pester needs internally.)””

So the script: scope of my array was the issue. Not wanting to pollute my global scope restructured my tests to use all mocks instead.

Download the Script


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