Paul Vaillant


Downloads and installs Lync Room System admin web interface, along with all dependencies.


Install-LrsAdmin.ps1 [[-LrsAppUser] <String>] [[-LrsAppUserOU] <String>] [[-LrsSupportAdminGroup] <String>] [[-LrsSupportAdminGroupOU] <String>] [[-LrsFullAccessAdminGroup] <String>] [[-LrsFullAccessAdminGroupOU] <String>] [[-PoolName] <String>] [[-SipDomain] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]


NameDescriptionRequired?Pipeline Input?Default Value
LrsAppUserName of the user who the app will run as. This user will be created if it doesn't exist.falsefalseLRSApp
LrsAppUserOUActive Directory OU to create the user in. This must already exist.falsefalseCN=Users
LrsSupportAdminGroupName of the group that will get read-only support role assigned. This group will be created if it doesn't exist.falsefalseLRSSupportAdminGroup
LrsSupportAdminGroupOUActive Directory OU to create the group in. This must already exist.falsefalseCN=Users
LrsFullAccessAdminGroupName of the group that will get full admin role assigned. This group will be created if it doesn't exist.falsefalseLRSFullAccessAdminGroup
LrsFullAccessAdminGroupOUActive Directory OU to create the group in. This must already exist.falsefalseCN=Users
PoolNameName of the Lync pool the LrsAppUser will be enabled in. This will be auto-detected if it isn't specified.falsefalse
SipDomainSIP Domain to assign to LrsAppUser when it's enabled for Lync.falsefalse


Version 1.0.0 (2015-01-05)
Written by Paul Vaillant